
第四部分:. adsv - 315
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11



的 College will designate the employee’s 申请FMLA leave in accordance with 联邦标准.  学院也可以将工作缺勤时间作为FMLA 按照联邦标准休假.


Employees on leave under FMLA, other than the approved 26 week leave for care of a seriously injured or ill service member, will continue to receive up to 12 weeks of 雇主支付团体医疗、牙科、基本人寿及意外死亡费用 & 解体 (AD&D)家庭和医疗假期间的保险. 学院只向雇主支付费用 雇员健康保险费的分摊额.  有爱心的合格员工 for a seriously ill or injured covered servicemember will continue to receive up to 26 weeks of 雇主支付团体医疗、牙科、基本人寿及意外死亡费用 & 解体(广告&D)家庭和医疗假期间的保险.

的 employee is required to continue to pay his or her portion of any health insurance 通常从雇员工资中扣除的保险费.  员工 有义务在25年前与人力资源办公室协调th of each month to determine if any premium payments are due, as well as any optional 可以在“续保”基础上维持的保险. 


Any employee taking FMLA leave will be returned to the same position or to an equivalent position upon his or her return unless the employee would have been terminated in 没有任何假期(如.g. 解雇(终止临时雇佣).   的 employee’s return may be affected by the ability to safely perform the assigned responsibilities 根据医疗服务提供者的决定.


All information relating to requests for family and medical leave will be treated in a confidential manner and will be used only to make decisions in regards to the 申请FMLA.  FMLA的医疗信息将保存在一个机密文件中 并且不会被记录在员工的人事档案中.


An employee is entitled up to 12 weeks of leave during the “roll forward” period which looks forward at all absences from the first date leave is used with the exception of eligible employees who are caring for a seriously ill or injured covered service member who sustained the illness or injury in the line of duty on active duty who is entitled to receive up to 26 weeks of leave in a 单期12个月 to care 献给现役军人.

FMLA parental leave may be a combination of vacation, sick leave, personal holiday, 补休和无薪休假.  WAC或Collective提供的除外 Bargaining Agreement, all leave must be exhausted prior to taking Leave Without Pay 以供FMLA使用.  

Spouses employed by the College:  Spouses employed by the College are jointly entitled to a combined total of 12 work-weeks of FMLA leave for the birth and care of the newborn 儿童,用于安排儿童接受收养或寄养.  请参阅单独的 军人家庭假规定.


的 aggregate number of workweeks of leave to which both that husband and wife may be entitled under care of a covered servicemember who is seriously ill or injured sustained in the line of duty on active duty is limited to 26 workweeks during the 单期12个月.

断断续续的离开/Reduced Leave Schedule – Personal medical leave or serious health condition leave covered by the FMLA may be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule 医学上必要时的基础. 这意味着你要分块请假 时间,或者通过减少员工正常的每周或每天的工作计划.  例子 of intermittent leave would include leave taken on an occasional basis for medical appointments or leave taken for several days at a time spread over a period of six 几个月,比如治疗. 

If FMLA leave is for birth and care of a newborn, or placement for adoption or foster 照顾、使用间歇假须经学院批准.

In cases where intermittent leave or a reduced schedule has been approved, the College reserves the right to temporarily reassign the employee with no loss of pay or benefits to a different job or to a part time position for the duration of the leave, which 更好地适应员工的休假需要和学院的运作. 


Up to 12 weeks of FMLA Parental leave will be granted for the birth of a child of the employee and in order to provide care, or for the placement of a child with the 被收养或寄养的雇员.   员工必须提前至少30天通知 致主管.  在儿童出生或安置需要请假的情况下 begin in less than 30 days, the employee should give notice 致主管 as soon 实际的.  最多12周的育儿假将被指定为FMLA.

与FMLA资格原因相关的认证 的 college requires a FMLA medical certification document to substantiate the employee’s request for medical FMLA leave 供雇员或其合资格的家庭成员使用.  学院利用这个系 劳工医疗证明表格.


的 college may require a request for leave under the military family member FMLA qualifying reason to be supported by a certification issued at a time and in such 劳动部批准的一种方式.  如订明该等证明书, the employee shall provide in a timely manner, a copy of such a certification that 证实军人家事假的申请.


FMLA entitles eligible employees to take unpaid time off work for qualifying job-protected 原因.  FMLA通常赋予符合条件的雇员长达12周的无薪假期 因特定的家庭和医疗原因而获得的受工作保护的假期. 合资格雇员 of a covered servicemember who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 有12个月的时间照顾服役人员. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场指定 FMLA leave to be paid, unpaid or a combination of paid and unpaid, depending on the circumstances and as specified in this policy, applicable negotiated agreements, State 以及联邦法律、法规和规章.


This policy applies to all employees of the College who meet the criteria for eligibility 以符合FMLA资格条件.





断断续续的离开 - Intermittent leave means leave taken in separate periods of time due to a single illness or injury, rather than for one continuous period of time, and may include 休息时间从一小时或更长到几个星期不等.

12个月期间 - For purposes of calculating the amount of FMLA leave an eligible employee may request, the term “during any 12 month period” means a rolling twelve month period measured 从员工开始休假之日起.

二十六周-用于计算适用的军人家庭假的数额 to qualifying FMLA Condition 6) means a twenty-six work weeks of leave during a 12-month 服务人员的照顾期.  26个工作周的总数不能合并 12个月的期限.  26个工作周是FMLA的最大值 12个月后离职.


的 employee must request the use of FMLA leave as soon as practicably possible to 人力资源部. 学院可指定休假时间为家庭和医疗 按照联邦规定休假.

人力资源部将提供劳工部的FMLA认证表格  雇员必须向医疗服务提供者提供.

的 College is required to notify the employee or the approval, denial or request 通过FMLA指定表格获取更多信息.

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